Sometimes in life, patterns pop up to give us hints. In this case, I've gotten almost the same email 3 times in the last 4 days! So... I think it might be time to visit this topic in its own post.
1. Location, location, location.
This is, in my opinion, the overwhelming and... essentially... only factor you should consider when ranking your AEGD bases. AEGD experiences vary significantly based on who the faculty is at your AEGD, and location has almost nothing at all to do with this. Pick a base that's located where you want to be and don't give it a second thought. If you just can't help yourself and want to give it a second thought, keep reading.
2. Faculty.
This is very hard to pin down. Faculty members are coming and going all the time, making it nearly impossible to make a judgement call on an AEGD base on this. However, if you must, you can consider emailing the residency directors at each base and requesting to get in contact with some of the current residents. You can pick their brain about who might be there and what experiences they have been offered as far as number of crowns, implant experience, etc.
3. Other stuff.
Travis AFB has an Oral Surgery program. Theoretically, this will limit the number of cases flowing to the AEGD program. However, it's well known that AEGD residents are expected to do wisdom teeth cases, so it's not as if you're going to run dry on them. I wouldn't put a ton of weight into this.
Your AEGD base of choice has virtually no bearing on what base you might get after your AEGD.
That's about it! In summary... location. Go where you want to go and don't worry about the other details. It's a lot to track down to rank bases that are really just telling the Air Force what you want and aren't a guarantee anyway.