Thursday, February 11, 2010

The reason behind all of this...

Well this is my first post, hopefully the first of many, and I'm doing this for a few reasons.

First of all, I do a bad job of keeping stuff recorded in some way and it will be really interesting to have this to look back on in the future.

Second, I have searched high and low on the internet over the past year for things that took me far too long to find. So I figured if someone does a google search for something I've blogged about, they'll have a first hand account instead of something more generic. Example: I would rather hear about someone's journey through P90X rather than snippets on the P90X website (and I've managed, over time, to find some!).

Third, I hope that this will inspire people to do exactly what they want to do. Throughout my life (and I'm sure this applies to the other 6 billion people out there), I have been guided from one point to another. Where I grow and learn the most, however, is when I decide to do something on my own, even if at first it seems like a complete failure. I plan to post fairly often (once a week too optimistic?) about what I'm up to and I will do my best to uncover the true nature of why I do (and did) what I do so maybe someone out there will be able to understand themselves from what I go through.

So this blog will talk about specific things I've done and advice I have about it, as well as just general "this is what's going on" sort of posts...

This first week, I'll chronicle what I've done to get to this point in my life, and see where it goes from there...

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