Sunday, December 5, 2010

Almost there!

Can a month in dental school be totally un-memorable? Well I think I've found it and it's the month of November. This was by far the most average month I've had so far. I had no Air Force reimbursements, no truly difficult weeks, and really nothing super awesome (except my birthday!). I hate to break it to you all, but there's just not much to report from an Air Force perspective. I had some tests, did well enough, and am looking at (hopefully) a 50/50 split with A's and B's. I was seriously considering just doing enough to get B's in all my classes but my inner competitor came out last weekend and I got really motivated to study like crazy these next two weeks. I think it's a good thing because it can't ever hurt to have better grades. Besides, everyone else will be studying so it isn't like it's really going to benefit me to sit on the couch a little more. Might as well push it to the max! I've already gotten more B's than I did in 4 years of undergrad, so that was a bit discouraging, but I keep reminding myself that this is a whole different deal and it's my effort, not always my grades, that's going to make me successful.

We found out a few weeks ago that our schedules will be undergoing a massive overhaul beginning EITHER next summer or fall. For the incoming class, they will begin under the new system. As you all know (or at least now you will) my plan was to go to COT in the summer of 2011. If the new schedule takes effect this next summer, that will not be happening. We'll only have 3 weeks off, which is not enough time regardless of when COT beings and ends. So in all likelihood I may just move COT to 2014 after I graduate and stop fussing with it. I'm still disappointed I didn't just do it last year before dental school, but doing it after school has it's benefits too. I'll be a higher rank, it'll be fresher on my mind, and I won't run the risk of growing out of my clothes before active duty. Either way, it will all work out. As for the new schedule itself, the goal is to create a test block environment where we only take a few classes at a time, take their finals, and then move onto new classes; rather than taking 26 credit hours spread out over 4 months, this would mean taking about 6 hours at once for a month, and then 6 more, etc. It will hopefully lighten the burden and allow us to really sink our teeth into the material. They're also thinking about changing our clinics to make them less "requirement" oriented so there is less competition for patients and such, but I have yet to see a patient so I won't comment on this because, quite frankly, I don't know enough about it now to know how drastically it will change.

I did order my loupes yesterday, and I'm waiting on my school to write me a "proof of requirement" letter so the Air Force will reimburse for them. Our school tells us to have them, but it's not officially written anywhere so I have to have the school type up a letter so the Air Force won't think I'm asking them to buy stuff I don't need. for those interested, the Air Force (as of December 2010) covers $1,100 for loupes and $300 for a light attachment. That's a total of $1400, ad most companies have a student deal just under the (for example, my package with loupes and light run $1370). They don't really have individual prices in the package so they just write up the receipt for $1100 loupes and $270 light so I can get it all covered. For those wondering, I got the Designs for Vision black nike pounce frames with 3.5x magnification. (

Finals are around the corner and I have 12 tests and 1 quiz in 9 straight school days starting this Tuesday. 5 this coming week with a quiz, and 7 next week. I'll be back after I get my grades and report on how my first semester went and let you all know how smoothly the loupes reimbursement goes. If my prior reimbursements with the Air Force are any indication, it should be no problem.

Oh, and I hear our spring semester is pretty light compared to the fall semester I'm in right now, so I've agreed to work at my old job tutoring just chemistry for 5 hours a week next semester. Should be no problem but we'll see how it goes!


  1. Great informative. keep pushing forward and posting.

  2. I a member of 1996 class. Keep up with your hard work. Enjoy your dental school years.
